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Search phone numbers starting with area code 959 from South Carolina

Area Code 959 Information

Area Code 959
Population 1783690
Type of Code: General Purpose Code
Geographic(G) or non-geographic(N): G
Is this code assigned: Yes
Is this code in use: Y
In service date: 2014-08-30
Planning Letter(s): 456 255 217
Location: CT
Country: US
Time Zone: E
Parent NPA: 860

Area code 959 shares its dominion with area code 860 in Connecticut, a unique arrangement born out of necessity to accommodate the burgeoning demand for phone numbers as the late summer of 2014 approached. This coexistence paints a scenario where both area codes reign over the same geographic sphere, covering the northeastern expanse of the state. This region encapsulates diverse counties namely Hartford, Litchfield, Tolland, Windham, and New London, each with its own set of towns and cities.

Among the cities nestled within this area code, Hartford, the state’s capital, emerges as a notable hub exuding an energetic lifestyle and vibrant culture. However, its charm doesn't overshadow other significant urban centers like Bristol, Manchester, East Hartford, Norwich, and New Britain, all thriving under the expansive umbrella of area code 959.

Delving into the postal code matrix, several ZIP codes mark the landscape, with prominent ones including 06106 (Hartford), 06010 (Bristol), 06040 (Manchester), 06051 (New Britain), and 06360 (Norwich). These, along with others spanning from 06001 to 06928, weave an extensive network that portrays the region's diverse character.

The lifestyle within the 959 territory offers a blend of urban and suburban flavors. The census data mirrors a dynamic population density across various urban and suburban locales. Hartford, the largest urban sprawl, accommodates around 122,105 residents as of 2020, while other notable cities like Bristol and Manchester house populations of approximately 60,218 and 57,362 respectively.

The economic heartbeat of area code 959 resonates through its strong emphasis on finance, insurance, manufacturing, health services, and education sectors. Hartford, dubbed the "Insurance Capital of the World," hosts headquarters of several insurance behemoths, reflecting the region's economic robustness.

Connecticut’s well-knit transportation network, featuring extensive highways, railways, and aviation facilities like the Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, facilitates seamless connectivity within and beyond the 959 territory. This airport, standing as the second-largest in New England, expands the travel horizons for residents.

Area Code Zipcodes

Zipcode City State
6019 CANTON South Carolina
6265 S WILLINGTON South Carolina
6265 SOUTH WILLINGTON South Carolina


Where is area code 959?

The Area code 959 is located in Connecticut and includes the following cities:
  • Bristol
  • Manchester
  • East Hartford
  • West Hartford
  • Middletown
  • New Britain
  • New London
  • Newington
  • Norwich
  • West Torrington
  • West Hartford
  • Wethersfield