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Search phone numbers starting with area code 930 from Wisconsin

Area Code 930 Information

Area Code 930
Population 1517782
Type of Code: General Purpose Code
Geographic(G) or non-geographic(N): G
Is this code assigned: Yes
Is this code in use: Y
In service date: 2015-03-07
Planning Letter(s): 470 457
Location: IN
Country: US
Time Zone: E
Parent NPA: 812

An area code is a specific numerical code assigned to different geographical sections of the United States to facilitate efficient telephone communications within, and to and from, those regions. Area Code 930 was put into service on March 7, 2015. This resulted from an overlay plan, an alternative to a split plan, meaning that two area codes serve the same physical area. 930 was added to the site, already covered by the 812 code.

Geographically, Area Code 930 covers the southern third of Indiana, encompassing cities such as Evansville, Bloomington, Terre Haute, Columbus, Vincennes, and Bedford. It is especially vital to the Ohio River Valley region. The primary county served by this area code is Vanderburgh.

Shifting our attention to the zip codes within this region, there's a vast array due to the multiple towns, cities, and counties it encompasses. There are approximately 277 zip codes associated with this area code. Some of these include 46160 (Morgantown), 47401 (Bloomington), 47708 (Evansville), 47803 (Terre Haute), and many more.

The population aspect paints an intriguing picture of area code 930. According to the 2010 Census, the population within this area was approximately 2 million. As of 2021, this figure is estimated to have increased, but specific numbers vary due to numerous factors such as migration, birth, and death rates. The people residing in this area mainly comprise Caucasians, African-Americans, and a small percentage of other ethnic backgrounds.

The Eastern Time Zone is the predominant time zone for the 930 area code. However, a few sections observe the Central Time Zone. Also, about 51,929 landlines and 130,520 wireless carriers are in use by people living within this area code.

There has been consistent growth in terms of economic indicators in this region, with the manufacturing, healthcare, and social services industries taking the lead. Major companies, such as Cummins, Cook Group, and Vincennes Steel Corporation, are based within area code 930, providing ample employment opportunities and contributing significantly to the local economy.

Area Code Zipcodes

Zipcode City State
47001 AURORA Wisconsin
47125 HARDINSBURG Wisconsin
47125 REGO Wisconsin
47125 VALEENE Wisconsin


Where is area code 930?

The Area code 930 is located in Indiana and includes the following cities:
  • Bloomington
  • Clarksville
  • Columbus
  • Evansville
  • Jeffersonville
  • New Albany
  • Terre Haute