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Area Code 657 Information

Area Code 657
Population 0
Type of Code: General Purpose Code
Geographic(G) or non-geographic(N): G
Is this code assigned: Yes
Is this code in use: Y
In service date: 2008-09-23
Planning Letter(s): 368 206 169
Location: CA
Country: US
Time Zone: P
Parent NPA: 714

The United States of America's telephone numbering design and structure constitute a North American Numbering Plan (NANP) component. This plan divides the country and various territories into geographical territories. Each part is assigned a three-digit area code that precedes the seven-digit telephone number. One such code is area code 657, and this article explores its significant information and associated aspects.

Area Code 657: Location

Area code 657 belongs to California and covers portions of Los Angeles and Orange County. It was instituted as an overlay to the 714 area code on September 23, 2008, when the available phone numbers in 714 were becoming exhausted. As an overlay, the residents and businesses, who already had the 714 phone number, maintained it, but all new phones issued were assigned area code 657.

Zip Codes

Area code 657 extends to several zip codes to cover cities such as Anaheim, Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Buena Park, and Huntington Beach. Some of these zip codes include 92801, 92802, 92804 in Anaheim; 92701, 92703, 92704 in Santa Ana; 92840, 92841, 92844 in Garden Grove; and 90620, 90621 in Buena Park.

Since it overlaps with the 714 area code, there are instances where two phones from the same city might have different area codes. For example, older phone lines in Santa Ana will maintain the 714 area code, whereas newer phone lines will bear the 657 area code, regardless of the zip code.


The population under area code 657 is diverse, spanning several cities. As of the data provided in the 2019 census reports, the people of this region was approximately 3.2 million residents, making it one of the most densely populated areas in California.

Significant cities, like Anaheim, house a population of over 350,000, while Santa Ana has around 330,000 residents. On the lower end, Huntington Beach has a population of close to 200,000. These figures might have experienced a slight change given the natural progressions of birth, death, and migration rates.

Relevant Information

Almost 60% of the residents in the 657 area code speak English, while a considerable proportion of the population also communicates in other languages, especially Spanish. This can be attributed to the rich diversity in California.

The local time in area 657 follows the Pacific Time Zone (PST/PDT). It operates under Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8) throughout the standard year and then switches to Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7) during daylight savings.


Area Code Zipcodes

Zipcode City State
90620 BUENA PARK California
90621 BUENA PARK California
90622 BUENA PARK California
90623 BUENA PARK California
90623 LA PALMA California
90624 BUENA PARK California
90630 CYPRESS California
90680 STANTON California
92603 IRVINE California
92618 IRVINE California
92620 IRVINE California
92626 COSTA MESA California
92646 HUNTINGTN BCH California
92646 HUNTINGTON California
92646 HUNTINGTON BEACH California
92650 EAST IRVINE California
92650 IRVINE California
92676 MODJESKA California
92676 MODJESKA CANYON California
92676 SILVERADO California
92683 WESTMINSTER California
92684 WESTMINSTER California
92685 WESTMINSTER California
92701 SANTA ANA California
92702 SANTA ANA California
92703 BRISTOL California
92703 SANTA ANA California
92704 DIAMOND California
92704 FOUNTAIN VALLEY California
92704 SANTA ANA California
92706 KING California
92706 SANTA ANA California
92707 SANTA ANA California
92707 SOUTH MAIN California
92711 SANTA ANA California
92712 SANTA ANA California
92735 SANTA ANA California
92780 TUSTIN California
92781 TUSTIN California
92782 TUSTIN California
92799 SANTA ANA California
92801 ANAHEIM California
92804 ANAHEIM California
92804 BROOKHURST CENTER California
92808 ANAHEIM California
92808 ANAHEIM HILLS California
92809 ANAHEIM California
92809 ANAHEIM HILLS California
92811 ATWOOD California
92821 BREA California
92822 BREA California
92823 BREA California
92831 FULLERTON California
92832 FULLERTON California
92833 FULLERTON California
92834 FULLERTON California
92836 FULLERTON California
92837 FULLERTON California
92838 FULLERTON California
92840 GARDEN GROVE California
92841 GARDEN GROVE California
92842 GARDEN GROVE California
92843 GARDEN GROVE California
92844 GARDEN GROVE California
92845 GARDEN GROVE California
92846 GARDEN GROVE California
92856 ORANGE California
92857 ORANGE California
92859 ORANGE California
92863 ORANGE California
92864 ORANGE California
92866 ORANGE California
92867 ORANGE California
92867 VILLA PARK California
92868 ORANGE California
92870 PLACENTIA California
92871 PLACENTIA California
92885 YORBA LINDA California
92886 YORBA LINDA California
92887 YORBA LINDA California


Where is area code 657?

The Area code 657 is located in California and includes the following cities:
  • Anaheim
  • Brea
  • Buena Park
  • Cypress
  • Fountain Valley
  • Fullerton
  • Garden Grove
  • Huntington Beach
  • Orange
  • Placentia
  • Santa Ana
  • Stanton
  • North Tustin
  • Westminster
  • Yorba Linda