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Area Code 463 Information

Area Code 463
Population 1786118
Type of Code: General Purpose Code
Geographic(G) or non-geographic(N): G
Is this code assigned: Yes
Is this code in use: Y
In service date: 2016-11-15
Planning Letter(s): 496 482
Location: IN
Country: US
Time Zone: E
Parent NPA: 317

Indiana's recent contribution to the telephonic world, area code 463, was introduced in 2016, primarily serving the urban expanse of Indianapolis, the heart of the state. Until then, area code 317 exclusively encapsulated this region. However, the pressing demand for more telephone numbers necessitated the advent of area code 463, overlaid with its 317 counterparts.

Geographical Spread of the 463 Area Code

Area code 463 blankets several counties, all integral parts of the expansive Indianapolis metropolitan area:

  1. Marion County
  2. Hamilton County
  3. Boone County
  4. Johnson County
  5. Hendricks County
  6. Morgan County
  7. Shelby County
  8. Hancock County
  9. Brown County

The influential sphere of the 463 area code encompasses cities and towns such as Indianapolis, Fishers, Carmel, Greenwood, Lawrence, and Zionsville, among others.

Postal Details within the 463 Area Code

Several zip codes within the Indianapolis metropolitan region coincide with area code 463:

  • 46032: Carmel
  • 46038: Fishers
  • 46074: Westfield
  • 46107: Beech Grove
  • 46142: Greenwood
  • 46143: Greenwood
  • 46203: Indianapolis
  • 46208: Indianapolis
  • 46220: Indianapolis
  • 46240: Indianapolis
  • 46260: Indianapolis
  • 46302: Boone Township (Porter County)

Population Details

The metropolitan domain of Indianapolis, enveloped by the 463 area code, is home to approximately 2.1 million people, spread across 3,934 square miles. By size, it stands as the 34th largest metropolis in the United States.

Demographic Overview

Indianapolis is home to a diverse population, comprising 62.3% White, 28.1% Black, 10.3% Hispanic, 2.8% Asian, 0.3% Native American, and 6.1% identifying as two or more races. The median household income is $45,670, with 18.3% of residents falling below the poverty line. The unemployment rate is slightly higher than the national average, at 4.9%.

Economic Landscape

Area code 463 overlays a region in Indianapolis with a vibrant and diverse economy that encompasses healthcare, education, manufacturing, various services, retail trade, and finance. Leading employers in the region include Indiana University Health, Eli Lilly and Company, Community Health Network, St. Vincent Health, and Roche Diagnostics.

The Impact of the 463 Area Code

The introduction of area code 463 has significant implications for the Indianapolis metropolitan region. By overlaying area code 463 over the long-standing 317, the shortage of telephone numbers has been mitigated, ensuring that businesses and residents can acquire new lines as needed, facilitating continued growth.

Additionally, the emergence of the 463 area code reflects the growing population and economic strength of the Indianapolis region. As the density and prosperity increase, so does the demand for new numerical sequences and a robust telecommunication infrastructure.

Thus concludes our exploration of Indiana's intriguing 463 area code, a critical addition to the state's telecommunication landscape. Covering the Indianapolis metropolis, it accommodates a thriving population and nurtures regional economic development. Connected to current growth and future potential, the 463 area code promises to play an increasingly vital role in the unfolding story of the Indianapolis metropolitan region.

Area Code Zipcodes

Zipcode City State
46032 CARMEL Indiana
46033 CARMEL Indiana
46034 CICERO Indiana
46034 WESTFIELD Indiana
46040 FISHERS Indiana
46040 FORTVILLE Indiana
46060 NOBLESVILLE Indiana
46060 STRAWTOWN Indiana
46061 NOBLESVILLE Indiana
46062 NOBLESVILLE Indiana
46062 WESTFIELD Indiana
46069 SHERIDAN Indiana
46074 CARMEL Indiana
46074 WESTFIELD Indiana
46075 WHITESTOWN Indiana
46077 ZIONSVILLE Indiana
46082 CARMEL Indiana
46106 BARGERSVILLE Indiana
46106 PROVIDENCE Indiana
46110 BOGGSTOWN Indiana
46111 BROOKLYN Indiana
46112 BROWNSBURG Indiana
46115 CARTHAGE Indiana
46118 BELLEVILLE Indiana
46118 CLAYTON Indiana
46122 DANVILLE Indiana
46124 ATTERBURY Indiana
46124 CAMP ATTERBRY Indiana
46124 CAMP ATTERBURY Indiana
46124 CAMP ATTRBRY Indiana
46124 EDINBURGH Indiana
46126 FAIRLAND Indiana
46129 CARROLLTON Indiana
46129 FINLY Indiana
46131 AMITY Indiana
46131 BENGAL Indiana
46131 FRANKLIN Indiana
46131 HOPEWELL Indiana
46131 URMEYVILLE Indiana
46140 EDEN Indiana
46140 GEM Indiana
46140 GREENFIELD Indiana
46140 SPRING LAKE Indiana
46148 KNIGHTSTOWN Indiana
46148 OGDEN Indiana
46148 RAYSVILLE Indiana
46154 MAXWELL Indiana
46158 MOORESVILLE Indiana
46162 NEEDHAM Indiana
46163 BROOKVILLE HTS Indiana
46163 NEW PALESTINE Indiana
46164 NINEVEH Indiana
46164 PRINCES LAKES Indiana
46167 PITTSBORO Indiana
46168 CARTERSBURG Indiana
46168 PLAINFIELD Indiana
46176 SHELBYVILLE Indiana
46181 PEOGA Indiana
46181 SAMARIA Indiana
46181 SPEARSVILLE Indiana
46181 TRAFALGAR Indiana
46184 NEW WHITELAND Indiana
46184 WHITELAND Indiana
46202 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46204 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46206 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46207 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46209 BUS REPLY Indiana
46209 BUSINESS REPLY Indiana
46209 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46216 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46220 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46225 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46226 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46226 LAWRENCE Indiana
46230 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46235 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46235 OAKLANDON Indiana
46236 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46236 OAKLANDON Indiana
46242 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46244 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46247 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46247 SOUTHPORT Indiana
46249 ARMY FINANCE CTR Indiana
46249 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46250 CASTLETON Indiana
46250 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46251 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46253 EAGLE CREEK Indiana
46253 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46255 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46255 MERCHANTS BANK Indiana
46255 PNC BANK Indiana
46256 CASTLETON Indiana
46256 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46262 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46277 CHASE BANK Indiana
46277 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46280 CARMEL Indiana
46280 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46280 NORA Indiana
46282 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46283 BRYLANE Indiana
46283 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
46285 ELI LILLY CO Indiana
46285 INDIANAPOLIS Indiana
47234 FLAT ROCK Indiana


Where is area code 463?

The Area code 463 is located in Indiana and includes the following cities:
  • Indianapolis
  • Plainfield
  • Charlottesville
  • Carmel
  • Mooresville
  • Noblesville
  • Greenwood
  • Greenfield
  • Fortville
  • Mc Cordsville
  • Franklin
  • Fishers
  • Brownsburg
  • Shelbyville
  • Cicero
  • Danville
  • Westfield
  • Bargersville
  • Fairland
  • Acton
  • Whiteland
  • Clayton
  • Mars Hill
  • Oaklandon
  • Lizton
  • New Palestine
  • Cumberland
  • Sheridan
  • Needham
  • Zionsville
  • Whitestown
  • Trafalgar
  • Pittsboro
  • Nineveh
  • Monrovia