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Search phone numbers starting with area code 202 from District of Columbia

Area Code 202 Information

Area Code 202
Population 631800
Type of Code: General Purpose Code
Geographic(G) or non-geographic(N): G
Is this code assigned: Yes
Is this code in use: Y
In service date: 1947-01-01
Planning Letter(s): 547
Location: DC
Country: US
Time Zone: E
Parent NPA:

Within the borders of Washington, D.C., lie vast multitudes of enigmatic zip codes, all nestled under the curious aegis of the 202 area code - notably spanning the intricate numerology of 20001 to 20599. Among the most prominent and intriguing of these mystifying numerical groupings are the following:

20002: Concealing within its boundaries a bewildering region of northeast D.C., including such seemingly ordinary neighborhoods as Capitol Hill, Trinidad, and Eckington.

20009: Enshrouding the deceptively popular neighborhoods of Adams Morgan, Columbia Heights, and Dupont Circle in a vortex of mystery.

20019: Veiling the easternmost reaches of the city in an aura of obscurity, including the enigmatic neighborhoods of Deanwood, Benning Heights, and Kenilworth.

20036: The enigmatic heart of downtown, concealing within its depths a nexus of corporate offices, law firms, and the cryptic National Geographic Museum.


Washington, D.C., is a veritable cauldron of humanity, bubbles, and burgeons with an ever-increasing populace. The arcane oracle, known as the United States Census Bureau, has divined that, by the year of our reckoning, 2020, the mysterious city shelters a staggering 689,545 souls. This diverse crowd is distributed among the fabled Eight Wards, each vying for representation in the hallowed halls of local government. As if by some ineffable gnosis, the shadowy D.C. Department of Planning unfailingly produces an annual grimoire of ward-specific population revelations.

Rumors, whispers, and dark prophecies have arisen in recent years, foretelling that the 202 area code's esoteric cache of unique telephone numbers may soon be exhausted, requiring an additional overlay code to accommodate the inevitably surging multitude. Yet, for now, the singular enchantment of the 202 area code remains undiluted, standing alone as the definitive emblem of Washington, D.C.

Attractions and Prominent Features

Now we transport our exploration to the endless trove of seminal landmarks and epochal attractions veiled within the enigmatic confines of the 202 area code:

The White House: The hallowed residence of the American presidency, an omnipotent emblem of our nation's governmental authority.

The United States Capitol Building: A colossal structure housing the secretive machinations of the U.S. Congress, where the Senate and House of Representatives convene in a solemn ritual.

Smithsonian Museums: A veritable treasure trove of arcane knowledge, by which the secrets of art, culture, history, and science are meticulously curated and preserved.

National Monuments and Memorials: Hallowed grounds where the venerated icons—such as the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial—bestow their enigmatic majesty.

In the grand tapestry of the United States area codes, the 202 area code alone stands as the definitive emblem of that most enigmatic of cities, Washington, D.C. Steeped in the arcane machinations of American political life, the shadowy realm of area code 202 encompasses an astonishing array of historical landmarks, cultural repositories, and mysterious attractions. As specters of expansion and inscrutable prophecies of future demands loom, one transcendent truth remains incontrovertible: 202 will stand eternal, its essence forever infused with the indomitable spirit and ineffable allure of Washington, D.C., from its cryptic zip codes to its burgeoning populace and its commanding presence on the world's stage.

Area Code Zipcodes

Zipcode City State
20001 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20002 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20003 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20004 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20005 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20006 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20007 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20008 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20009 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20010 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20011 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20012 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20013 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20015 CHEVY CHASE District of Columbia
20015 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20016 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20017 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20018 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20019 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20020 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20022 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20024 FORT LESLEY J MCNAIR District of Columbia
20024 FORT MCNAIR District of Columbia
20024 FT L J MCNAIR District of Columbia
20024 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20026 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20027 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20029 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20030 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20032 BOLLING AFB District of Columbia
20032 BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE District of Columbia
20032 WASH District of Columbia
20032 WASHING District of Columbia
20032 WASHINGTN District of Columbia
20032 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20033 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20035 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20036 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20037 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20038 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20039 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20040 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20041 DULLES INTERNATIONAL AIRP District of Columbia
20041 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20042 SUN TRUST BANK INC District of Columbia
20042 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20043 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20044 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20045 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20047 CRITERION INS CO District of Columbia
20047 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20049 AMER ASSC RETIRED PERSONS District of Columbia
20049 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20050 PENTAGON District of Columbia
20050 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20052 G W UNIV District of Columbia
20052 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20053 VERIZON District of Columbia
20053 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20055 BANK OF AMERICA District of Columbia
20055 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20056 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20057 GEORGETOWN UNIV District of Columbia
20057 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20058 MARRIOTT CORP District of Columbia
20058 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20059 HOWARD UNIV District of Columbia
20059 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20060 HOWARD UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL District of Columbia
20060 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20061 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20061 WELLS FARGO District of Columbia
20062 US CHAMBER OF COM District of Columbia
20062 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20063 INT GROUP PLANS INC District of Columbia
20063 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20064 CATHOLIC UNIV District of Columbia
20064 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20065 BLUE CROSS GROUP HOSP District of Columbia
20065 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20066 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20066 WASHINGTON DC POST OFFICE District of Columbia
20067 PEPCO District of Columbia
20067 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20068 PEPCO District of Columbia
20068 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20069 WASH INTELL BUREAU INC District of Columbia
20069 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20070 WASH INTELL BUREAU INC District of Columbia
20070 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20071 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20071 WASHINGTON POST District of Columbia
20073 PNC FINANCIAL District of Columbia
20073 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20074 PNC FINANCIAL District of Columbia
20074 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20075 PNC FINANCIAL District of Columbia
20075 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20076 GEICO District of Columbia
20076 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20077 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20077 WASHINGTON BRM District of Columbia
20078 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20078 WASHINGTON BRM District of Columbia
20080 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20080 WASHINGTON GAS District of Columbia
20081 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20081 WASHINGTON GAS District of Columbia
20082 NATL REPUB CONG COMM District of Columbia
20082 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20090 GENERAL DELIVERY District of Columbia
20090 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20091 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20201 DEPT HLTH HUMAN SERV District of Columbia
20201 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20202 DEPT EDUCATION District of Columbia
20202 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20203 SOCIAL SECURTIY ADMIN District of Columbia
20203 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20204 FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN District of Columbia
20204 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20206 SOC SEC BUREAU HEARING APP District of Columbia
20206 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20207 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMM District of Columbia
20207 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20208 NATL INSTITUTE OF EDUC District of Columbia
20208 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20210 DEPT OF LABOR District of Columbia
20210 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20211 OFFICE OF WORKERS COMP District of Columbia
20211 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20212 DEPT LABOR STATS District of Columbia
20212 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20213 DEPT LABOR MANPOWER ADMN District of Columbia
20213 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20214 BUREAU LABOR STATISTICS District of Columbia
20214 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20215 DEPT LABOR PAYROLL AUDIT DIV District of Columbia
20215 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20216 LABOR MANAGEMENT ADMIN District of Columbia
20216 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20217 US TAX COURT District of Columbia
20217 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20218 NATL COMM ON SOCIAL SEC District of Columbia
20218 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20219 COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY District of Columbia
20219 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20220 DEPT TREASURY District of Columbia
20220 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20221 DISTRICT DIRECTOR IRS District of Columbia
20221 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20222 US TREASURER District of Columbia
20222 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20223 US SECRET SERVICE District of Columbia
20223 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20224 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE District of Columbia
20224 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20226 DEPT TREAS OTHER OFFICES District of Columbia
20226 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20227 DEPT TREAS CHECK CLAIMS DIV District of Columbia
20227 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20228 BUREAU ENGAV AND PRINTING District of Columbia
20228 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20229 US BUREAU OF CUSTOMS District of Columbia
20229 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20230 DEPT COMMERCE District of Columbia
20230 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20232 RESOLUTN TRUST OVERSIGHT BRD District of Columbia
20232 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20233 BUREAU OF CENSUS District of Columbia
20233 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20235 DEPT COMMERCE OUTSIDE HQ District of Columbia
20235 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20237 BROADCASTING BD OF GOVERNORS District of Columbia
20237 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20238 US HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM District of Columbia
20238 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20239 BUREAU OF PUBLIC DEBT District of Columbia
20239 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20240 DEPT INTERIOR District of Columbia
20240 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20241 BUREAU OF MINES District of Columbia
20241 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20242 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE District of Columbia
20242 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20244 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY District of Columbia
20244 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20245 BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS District of Columbia
20245 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20250 DEPT AGRICULTURE District of Columbia
20250 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20251 DEPT AG OFC OUTSIDE HQ District of Columbia
20251 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20252 SMOKEY BEAR District of Columbia
20252 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20254 SOCIAL SECURTIY ADMIN District of Columbia
20254 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20260 USPS HEADQUARTERS District of Columbia
20260 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20261 USPS CONSUMER AFFAIRS District of Columbia
20261 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20262 MAFIC District of Columbia
20262 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20265 PHILATELIC SALES DIVISION District of Columbia
20265 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20266 PHILATELIC SALES District of Columbia
20266 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20268 POSTAL REGULATORY COMM District of Columbia
20268 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20270 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20277 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20277 WASHINGTON DC BRM District of Columbia
20289 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION CONGR District of Columbia
20289 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20299 READASORUS District of Columbia
20299 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20301 PENTAGON District of Columbia
20301 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20303 NATIONAL IMAGING AND MAPPING District of Columbia
20303 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20306 ARMED FORCES INST PATHOLOGY District of Columbia
20306 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20310 DEPT ARMY PENTAGON District of Columbia
20310 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20314 US ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS District of Columbia
20314 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20317 SOLDIERS AIRMENS HOME District of Columbia
20317 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20318 ARMY CRIMINAL INVEST District of Columbia
20318 JOINT STAFF District of Columbia
20318 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20319 FORT MCNAIR District of Columbia
20319 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20330 DEPT AIR FORCE PENTAGON District of Columbia
20330 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20340 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE District of Columbia
20340 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20350 CHIEF NAVAL OPERATION District of Columbia
20350 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20355 PENTAGON District of Columbia
20355 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20370 NAVY ANNEX District of Columbia
20370 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20372 BUR MEDICINE SURGERY District of Columbia
20372 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20373 ANACOSTIA District of Columbia
20373 ANACOSTIA ANX District of Columbia
20373 JBAB District of Columbia
20373 JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA BOLLING District of Columbia
20373 NAVAL ANACOST ANNEX District of Columbia
20373 NAVAL STATION ANACOSTIA District of Columbia
20373 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20374 NAVY YARD District of Columbia
20374 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20374 WASHINGTON NA District of Columbia
20374 WASHINGTON NAVY YARD District of Columbia
20375 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY District of Columbia
20375 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20376 NAVAL SEA SYS District of Columbia
20376 NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND District of Columbia
20376 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20376 WASHINGTON NA District of Columbia
20376 WASHINGTON NAVY YARD District of Columbia
20380 DEPT NAVY HQ MARINES ARL District of Columbia
20380 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20388 NAVAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE District of Columbia
20388 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20388 WASHINGTON NA District of Columbia
20388 WASHINGTON NAVY YARD District of Columbia
20389 NAVAL INTELLIGENCE COM District of Columbia
20389 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20390 DEPT NAVY OTHER OFFICES District of Columbia
20390 MARINE BARRKS District of Columbia
20390 US MARINE CORPS BARRACKS District of Columbia
20390 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20391 DEPT NAVY FED CREDIT UNION District of Columbia
20391 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20391 WASHINGTON NA District of Columbia
20391 WASHINGTON NAVY YARD District of Columbia
20392 NAVY OBSERVATORY District of Columbia
20392 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20393 NAVY SECURITY GROUP District of Columbia
20393 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20394 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20395 NAVAL INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT C District of Columbia
20395 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20398 MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND District of Columbia
20398 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20398 WASHINGTON NA District of Columbia
20398 WASHINGTON NAVY YARD District of Columbia
20401 GOV PRINTING OFFICE District of Columbia
20401 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20402 GPO SUPT OF DOCUMENTS District of Columbia
20402 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20403 GPO FIELD SERV DIV District of Columbia
20403 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20404 GPO PROCUREMENT DIV District of Columbia
20404 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20405 GEN SERVICES ADMIN District of Columbia
20405 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20406 GSA CRYSTAL CITY District of Columbia
20406 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20407 GSA REGION 3 District of Columbia
20407 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20408 NATL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS District of Columbia
20408 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20410 HOUSING AND URBAN DEV District of Columbia
20410 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20411 HUD FED HOUSING ADM District of Columbia
20411 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20412 FHA COMPTROLLER District of Columbia
20412 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20413 HOUSING ASSISTANCE ADM District of Columbia
20413 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20414 HUD FED NATL MORTGAGE District of Columbia
20414 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20415 OFFICE PERSONNEL MGMT District of Columbia
20415 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20416 SMALL BUSINESS ADMIN District of Columbia
20416 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20417 GEN SERVICES ADMIN District of Columbia
20417 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20418 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE District of Columbia
20418 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20419 MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BD District of Columbia
20419 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20420 VETERANS ADMIN District of Columbia
20420 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20421 VETERANS BENEFITS OFFICE District of Columbia
20421 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20422 VETERANS HOSPITAL District of Columbia
20422 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20423 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20424 FED LABOR RELATIONS AUTH District of Columbia
20424 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20425 COMM ON CIVIL RIGHTS District of Columbia
20425 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20426 FEDERAL ENERGY REG COMM District of Columbia
20426 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20427 FED MEDIATION AND CONCIL SER District of Columbia
20427 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20428 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD District of Columbia
20428 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20429 FEDERAL DEPOSIT INS CORP District of Columbia
20429 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20431 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND District of Columbia
20431 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20433 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20433 WORLD BANK District of Columbia
20434 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20435 NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE District of Columbia
20435 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20436 INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMM District of Columbia
20436 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20437 FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN District of Columbia
20437 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20439 US COURT APPEAL FED CIRCUIT District of Columbia
20439 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20440 INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMM District of Columbia
20440 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20441 INTER AMER DEFENSE BOARD District of Columbia
20441 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20442 COURT OF MILITARY APPEALS District of Columbia
20442 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20444 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTH District of Columbia
20444 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20447 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20451 ARMS CONTROL AND DISARM AGY District of Columbia
20451 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20453 COMM EQUAL OPPOR ARMED FORC District of Columbia
20453 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20456 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMIN District of Columbia
20456 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20460 ENVIR PROTECT AGENCY District of Columbia
20460 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20463 FEDERAL ELECTION COMM District of Columbia
20463 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20468 GSA SURPLUS SALES District of Columbia
20468 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20469 GSA CONSUMER PRODUCTS INFO District of Columbia
20469 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20470 GSA TELE COM SERV District of Columbia
20470 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20472 FED EMER MNGT AGNCY District of Columbia
20472 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20500 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20501 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20501 WHITE HOUSE OFC OF VICE PRES District of Columbia
20502 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20502 WHITE HOUSE OFC STAFF District of Columbia
20503 OFFICE OF MGMT AND BUDGET District of Columbia
20503 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20504 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNSEL District of Columbia
20504 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20505 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY District of Columbia
20505 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20506 EXEC OFFICE OTHER ORGAN District of Columbia
20506 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20507 EQUAL EMP OPPORTUNITY COMM District of Columbia
20507 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20508 US TRADE REPRESENTATIVE District of Columbia
20508 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20509 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20509 WHITE HOUSE OFC STAFF District of Columbia
20510 US SENATE District of Columbia
20510 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20511 DIR NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE District of Columbia
20511 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20515 US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES District of Columbia
20515 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20520 DEPT OF STATE District of Columbia
20520 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20521 STATE DEPARTMENT District of Columbia
20521 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20522 GOVERNMENT AGENCY District of Columbia
20522 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20523 DEPT OF STATE INTRNTL DIV District of Columbia
20523 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20524 PASSPORT OFFICE District of Columbia
20524 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20525 ACTION District of Columbia
20525 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20526 PEACE CORPS District of Columbia
20526 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20527 OVERSEA PVT INVES CORP District of Columbia
20527 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20528 DEPT HOMELAND SECURITY District of Columbia
20528 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20529 US CITIZENSHIP IMMIGRATION District of Columbia
20529 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20530 DEPT JUSTICE District of Columbia
20530 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20531 LAW ENFORCE ASSIST ADM District of Columbia
20531 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20533 BUREAU NARC AND DNGR DRUGS District of Columbia
20533 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20534 BUREAU OF PRISONS District of Columbia
20534 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20535 FBI District of Columbia
20535 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20536 IMMIG AND NATURALIZATION SER District of Columbia
20536 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20537 FBI IDENTIFICATION UNIT District of Columbia
20537 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20538 IMMIG AND NATURALIZATION SER District of Columbia
20538 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20539 IMMIG AND NATURAL RECORDS District of Columbia
20539 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20540 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS District of Columbia
20540 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20541 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CARD DIV District of Columbia
20541 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20542 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS HANDICAP District of Columbia
20542 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20543 US SUPREME COURT District of Columbia
20543 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20544 ADM OFFICE US COURT District of Columbia
20544 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20546 NATL AERO AND SPACE ADMIN District of Columbia
20546 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20547 US INFORMATION AGENCY District of Columbia
20547 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20548 GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE District of Columbia
20548 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20549 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMM District of Columbia
20549 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20551 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD District of Columbia
20551 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20552 CNSMR FNNCL PRTCT BRD District of Columbia
20552 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20553 FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY District of Columbia
20553 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20554 FED COMMUNICATIONS COMM District of Columbia
20554 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20555 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMM District of Columbia
20555 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20557 LIB OF CONGRESS LICENSING District of Columbia
20557 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20559 US COPYRIGHT OFFICE District of Columbia
20559 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20560 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE District of Columbia
20560 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20565 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART District of Columbia
20565 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20566 JOHN F KENNEDY CENTER District of Columbia
20566 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20570 NATL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD District of Columbia
20570 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20571 EXPORT IMPORT BANK District of Columbia
20571 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20572 NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD District of Columbia
20572 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20573 FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION District of Columbia
20573 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20575 ADV COMM INTER GOVT RELATION District of Columbia
20575 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20576 NATL CAPITOL PLANNING District of Columbia
20576 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20577 INTER AMERICAN DEV BANK District of Columbia
20577 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20578 FARM CREDIT ADMIN District of Columbia
20578 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20579 FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT District of Columbia
20579 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20580 FEDERAL TRADE COMM District of Columbia
20580 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20581 COMMODITY FUTURES TRADE District of Columbia
20581 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20585 DEPT ENERGY District of Columbia
20585 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20586 US SYNTHETIC FUEL CORP District of Columbia
20586 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20590 DEPT TRANSPORTATION District of Columbia
20590 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20591 DEPT TRANSPORTATION District of Columbia
20591 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20593 US COAST GUARD District of Columbia
20593 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20594 NATL TRANS SAFETY BOARD District of Columbia
20594 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20597 ARMED FORCES INAUGURAL COM District of Columbia
20597 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
20599 PRE INAUGURAL COMMITTEE District of Columbia
20599 WASHINGTON District of Columbia
56901 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56901 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56901 PRS District of Columbia
56902 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56902 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56902 PRS District of Columbia
56904 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56904 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56904 PRS District of Columbia
56908 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56908 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56908 PRS District of Columbia
56915 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56915 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56915 PRS District of Columbia
56920 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56920 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56920 PRS District of Columbia
56933 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56933 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56933 PRS District of Columbia
56935 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56935 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56935 PRS District of Columbia
56944 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56944 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56944 PRS District of Columbia
56945 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56945 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56945 PRS District of Columbia
56950 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56950 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56950 PRS District of Columbia
56965 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56965 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56965 PRS District of Columbia
56966 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56966 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56966 PRS District of Columbia
56967 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56967 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56967 PRS District of Columbia
56968 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56968 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56968 PRS District of Columbia
56969 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56969 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56969 PRS District of Columbia
56970 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56970 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56970 PRS District of Columbia
56971 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56971 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56971 PRS District of Columbia
56972 PARCEL RETURN SERVICE District of Columbia
56972 PARCEL RETURN SVC District of Columbia
56972 PRS District of Columbia


Where is area code 202?

The Area code 202 is located in District of Columbia and includes the following cities:
  • Washington